Finding a suitable retirement villageFinding a suitable retirement village

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Finding a suitable retirement village

In my culture, the assumption is that my family would end up taking care of elderly parents but unfortunately as we don't live in the same state that wasn't possible. It is very stressful to have to search for a caring aged care facility over the internet, but we came up with a short list on line then visted them. I learnt a lot about the difference between different facilities and care levels, which I have noted down on this site. I have to admit, our parents seem much happier now that they are in a good facility and some plans activities for them everyday and does all the chores! When they are happy, I am also happy.

How Retirement Villages Help Combat Loneliness in the Elderly

Loneliness is one of the top concerns for older people living at home in Australia.

Feeling lonely can damage mental health, reduce independence, and lead to older people feeling isolated and vulnerable. Moving closer to family or spending more time with friends isn't always an option - and that's where moving to retirement village comes in.

Retirement villages are safe, supportive communities specifically designed for the elderly, and they can go a long way towards combatting loneliness - keep reading to find out how.

Living Close to Like-Minded People

When your relative moves to a retirement village, they're instantly surrounded by people who are of a similar age and probably share a similar lifestyle. Living in standard housing, your relative might not get to know neighbours or have much contact with the rest of their street.

In a retirement village, where residents aren't preoccupied with work or family, there are lots of opportunities to make connections and form friendships - whether it's taking a morning walk with their neighbour, or arranging a games night with a few friends.

Attending Community Groups and Classes

Most retirement villages offer a wide range of group, classes and activities for residents to take part in. This is a great opportunity to make friends, fill time in a productive way, and learn new skills.

Most villages offer a wide range of activities, so there'll be something for everyone, from carpentry to knitting, cross stitch to ballroom dancing.

Activities which involve physical exercise are great for physical and mental health and will be designed to suit a range of abilities and fitness levels. Activities like arts and crafts can boost mood, increase confidence, and give elderly people a sense of purpose.

Pleasant Outdoor Spaces for Socializing

Getting out to enjoy the fresh air is a huge mood booster for everyone, young or old. Most retirement villages are full of well-maintained outdoor spaces that are perfect for a relaxed stroll and a chat.

Your relative can enjoy the sunshine while getting to know new friends, and there may be opportunities for them to get involved with gardening and maintenance. Look for retirement villages with a good range of outdoor spaces, especially if your relative is a nature-lover.

It's really hard to watch an elderly relative struggle with loneliness. If moving closer isn't an option, consider helping them move to a retirement village. They'll benefit from new friends, regular social groups, and stimulating activities.